A General Discription

Widely considered the best and easiest method to brewing
a consistently, great-tasting cup of coffee!

  • Grind to a coarse or regular grind

    Use 1.5 to 2 tablespoons of coffee for every ¾ cup
    (175 ml) of fresh, cold water that has just finished boiling.

    We recommend using a scale to measure your coffee and water and utilize the golden coffee ratio. Coffee's golden ratio is approximately 1:16 - 1:18 (1 gram of coffee to every 16-18 grams of water).

    Allow the coffee to infuse for 5 minutes before plunging.


A General Discription

Widely considered the best and easiest
method to brewing a consistently,
great-tasting cup of coffee!

  • Grind to a coarse or regular grind

    Use 1.5 to 2 tablespoons of coffee
    for every ¾ cup (175 ml) of fresh,
    cold water that has just finished boiling.

    We recommend using a scale to measure your coffee and water and utilize the golden coffee ratio. Coffee's golden ratio is approximately 1:16 - 1:18 (1 gram of coffee to every 16-18 grams of water).

    Allow the coffee to infuse
    for 5 minutes before plunging.